Faculty Development

EFS provides grants to competent and talented Faculty members to pursue specialized short term trainings abroad in agricultural sciences in technologically developed countries. The faculty members may submit application for short training abroad on the prescribed format after securing placement for the applied training from the host institute. The trainee is selected for the award (through a Faculty development Committee) on the basis of open competition and criteria approved by the BoD. 

EFS also provides financial support for travel grants to participate in conferences/symposia/workshops at National as well as International level for presentation of their research findings/papers. Faculty members may apply for travel grant on the prescribed format. EFS has also initiated to extend financial support to organize seminars/conferences/workshops/trainings at UAF Campus aimed at development of faculty, and supporting administrative and technical staff. Faculty members may apply for the grant of funds on the prescribed format.

Up to June 2024,  Faculty Development.


Go to Downloads for Faculty Development Proformas.

TA/DA Rules for Travel Grants (abroad)