Technology Transfer

Under Technology Transfer component, funds are provided to meet all the operational and developmental expenditure through competitive grants with the focus on Technology Transfer. This is an opportunity for the scientists to get financial support for transfer of technologies, developments or improvements made after extensive research, to the stakeholders. Project proposal under this component may be submitted keeping in view that project should be aimed at Technology Transfer which is the main focus and mandate of EFS. Pure research proposals are not accepted under this category. Proposals are processed following standard SOPs through TAC and BoD. Project proposals on prescribed format are invited once in a year.Up to December, 2022.

125 Technology Transfer projects have been completed while 12 projects are ongoing.


Go to Downloads for Technology Transfer Proformas.


University Outreach Program

This segment, under Technology Transfer component, entails various outreach activities by faculty members. They submit proposals for an activity ranging from one day to one week. The proposal may cover farmers' trainings/gathering, demonstrations, exhibition, lectures/seminars for the awareness of community for development of agriculture in Pakistan. EFS provides financial support for such activities. Faculty members may apply on the prescribed format for an outreach activity grant. So for EFS has supported 150 outreach activities .


Go to Downloads for University Outreach Program Proformas.