What we do....

The Government of Pakistan and United States of America recalling the close ties in scientific and technological cooperation signed an agreement to create a UAF-US Collaboration for Strengthening Agriculture Academia and R&D Faculty Development, Technology Transfer and Product Commercialization (FDTTPC) Program to reap the mutual benefits of agricultural research through joint research projects and exchange of scientists. Under this agreement, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF) has established an Endowment Fund. The income generated through investment of the principal funds shall be used for Endowment Fund activities/projects in line with the Pakistan’s long term research/development goals of the agriculture sector. The goals focus on food security, poverty alleviation and promoting broad based equitable and sustainable agriculture.

Innovation and technology development has always been the main stay of agriculture because agricultural progress and enhancement depends upon the influx of modern technology tools from agricultural scientists and experts. Technology development/advancement is a continuous process operative all over the world providing a driving force to boost up development progression. Current developments in agriculture at global level are the outcome of the same. Endowment Fund Secretariat (EFS) has been set up to provide financial support to strengthen agricultural research and academia through Faculty Development, Technology Transfer and Product Commercialization. Supporting faculty members for specialized training in the technologically developed countries and presenting papers at national/international seminars/conferences/workshops etc will help to get most out of them in terms of research and academics.


Innovations/technologies developed at the research institutes remain unproductive if not transferred and adopted by the end users. Funding technology transfer projects ensures better and efficient transfer of improved technology from the research institutes to the stakeholders. It will also accelerate the adoption process of the innovations/technologies. The ultimate result will be the economy boost in the country. Commercialization of innovations/products/technologies through patents and registration is another help being provided by the Secretariat to the Agricultural Scientists. This will certainly raise the spirit of research for the development and advancement of agriculture in Pakistan.