Technical Advisory Committee

Technical Advisory Committee includes scientists from diverse fields of agriculture including universities, Research organizations and esteemed scholars from other fields. Projects submitted to EFS, shortlisted after review from experts are presented to TAC for technical evaluation and recommendation.


Chairman TAC

Vice Chancellor, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad


  • Vice Chancellor, PMAS, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi
  • Vice Chancellor, University of Vet. and Animal Sciences, Lahore
  • Agricultural Attaché, USDA, US Embassy, Islamabad
  • Agri. Specialist, US Embassy, Islamabad
  • Ms. Sarwat Malik, (Representative of Private Sector)
  • Prof. Dr. Robina Farooq (TI), Vice Chancellor, GCWU, Faisalabad
  • Prof. Dr. Masroor Ellahi Babar, Vice Chancellor, University of Agriculture, D.I.Khan
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Azam Khan, Chairman, Department of Horticulture, PMAS-AAUR, Rawalpindi
  • Director General Agriculture (Research), AARI, Faisalabad
  • Director General Agriculture (Ext. & Adoptive Research), Lahore
  • Director General (Research) Livestock & Dairy Development, Lahore
  • Director General (Extension) Livestock & Dairy Development, Lahore
  • All Deans of the Faculties, UAF
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Imran Arshad , Executive Director/Secretary TAC